Ph.D.: English, University of Washington. August 1996
Fields of study: technology studies, writing with computers, feminist and critical theory. Dissertation focused on subjectivity and technology in late twentieth
century American culture. Directors: Robert Markley and Susan Jeffords
MA: English, University of Washington, 1991
BA: English, University of Washington, 1986
Assistant Professor of English, Director of Writing Center (1996- 2004)
Associate Professor of English, Director, Digital Technology and Culture Program (2005-2006)
Director, Integrated Media
Mariner10: Interdisciplinary Multimedia Scholarship on DVD-ROM. Series from University of Pennsylvania Press.
Editorial Board
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge. Bowling Green State University.

Red Planet: A Scientific and Cultural History.
Principal Co-authors: Harrison Higgs, Washington State University, Bob Markley, West Virginia University. On digital video disk.
University of Pennsylvania Press. Fall 2001.
Eloquent Images: Visual Literacy and New Media, collection of articles, co-edited with Dr. Mary Hocks, Georgia State University. MIT Press, Fall 2002.
Digital Media Publications
“The Laugh of the Modem: Interactive Technology and l’ecriture feminine.” in Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge. Volume 4, Spring 2002. Bowling Green University. Bowling Green. Online at
“Interactive Technology and the Remediation of the Writing Subject.”
Configurations: A Journal of Literature and Science and Technology. The Johns Hopkins University Press.2001, 9:231-251.
“Kosovo Online: Border Ambiguity and American Ambivalence.” Acoma Rivista Internazionale Di Studi Nordamericani. V. 18. February 2000.
“Space, Technology and the Science Fiction of Neil Stephenson.” In Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction. Ed. Robert Kitchin. Athlone Press. Fall 2000.
“The Never Again Narratives: Political Promise and the Videos of ‘Operation Desert Storm.” Reprinted in Italian in “le parole e le armi: saggi su guerra e violenza nella letteratura e cultura degli Stati Uniti d’America” (Words and Arms: Essays on War and Violence in the Literature and Culture of the USA), Milano: Marcos y Marcos, (1999).
“Computers and the Culture of Rage,” in Alki: Journal of Library Science. Review article. September 1997.
“Cyberspace and the Technological Real,” in Virtual Realities and Their Discontents. Ed. Robert Markley. Johns Hopkins, (1996), 143 – 160.
“From Tool to Artifact: The Cultural Critique of Science.” Omni magazine (1995).
“Kicking the Vietnam Syndrome: CNN and CBS Videos of ‘Operation Desert Storm,'” in Seeing Through the Media: How the Media Handled the Persian Gulf War. Eds. Lauren Rabinovitz and Susan Jeffords. Rutgers University Press, (1994), 59-77.
“The Never Again Narratives: Political Promise and Operation Desert Storm, ” in Cultural Critique, 28. (1994), 129-147.
“Interactivity: Modes of Exchange and New Media. Under revision. Completion target Fall 2001.
“Seduction and Representation: The Digital Image and Writing.” For submission to Computers and Composition.
On-Line Publications and Design
“Web Authoring.” Owl Construction and Maintenance Guide. Eds. James Inman, Clint Gardner and Donna Sewell.
National Writing Centers Association Website. Fall 2000.
“The Martian Mirror.” Lead article. March 2000.
“Art on February the Internet.” Microsoft Internet Magazine. Vision Column. 23 – March 2. Currently archived.
Gallery W3. World Wide Web Art and Literature exhibit. HTML.
Keynotes and Plenaries
“Theories of Technology and Teaching.” Conference for Computer-Aided Legal Instruction. Keynote Speaker for Teaching with Technology. August 1999.
Conference Papers
“Hypertext and the Construction of the Reader.” Society for Science and Literature. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2000.
“Seduction and Representation: The Digital Image.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 2000.
“The Laugh of the Modem: Hypertext and Ecriture Feminine.” Feminist Rhetorics Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 1999.
“Mars: A Cultural and Scientific History,” demonstration of the Hypermedia title at Society for Science and Literature. Gainesville, Florida. November 1998.
“Space and Gender in Computer Rhetoric.” Society for Science and Literature. Gainesville, Florida. November 1998.
“Cyborg Wars: Advanced Writing and Teaching the Technological Subject.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, Illinois. April 1998.
“Her Computer, Her Paradise: Email and 18th Century Epistolary Fiction.” Society for Science and Literature. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 1997.
“The Zombie Factor: Computers and Rhetorical Authority.” Wyoming. Conference on English. Laramie, Wyoming. June 1997.
“Playing with Fire!!:Â Hypermedia and the Harlem Renaissance.” Society for Literature and Science. Los Angeles, California. November 1995.
“Scientists, Non-Scientists and the Cultural Critique of Science.” Co-authored with Robert Markley. Modern Language Association. San Diego, California. 1994.
“Technology and the Equal Opportunity Classroom.” Computers and Writing Conference. “The Global Web
of Writing Technologies.” Columbia, Missouri. May 1994.
“Thinker Tinker and Monopolated Power: Metaphors of Technology in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, “Images of Technology. Colorado Springs, Colorado. March 1994.
“Psychocyborian Constructs.” Society for Literature and Science. Atlanta, Georgia. October 1992.
“Composition with Computers in a Multicultural Classroom.” Computer Integrated Coursework Open House.
Seattle, Washington. May 1992.
“The Never Again Narratives.” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, “Images of War.” Colorado Springs, Colorado. March 1992.
“Kicking the Vietnam Syndrome.” Popular Culture Conference. Popular Culture Association. Louisville, Kentucky. March 1992.
“Creating Interdisciplinary Digital Video Disks.” Pre-conference workshop for Directors of American Studies
Programs at American Studies Association Conference. October 1999.
“Writing Across the Curriculum.” Faculty workshop, with Bill Condon. April 1998. Vancouver, Washington.
“Weasels on the Web: Role-playing and Digital Deceptions.” 1998 Humanities Day. May 1998.
“Authoring CD-ROMs, The Basics.” Washington State University, Vancouver. Writers Symposium.
“Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism,” lecture for Northwest Psychiatric Roundtable, Seattle, Washington. November 1992.
WSU-V Internal Research Mini-Grant. “Interdisciplinary Multimedia Scholarship on Digital Video Disk.” $2,000.
Ernestine Madison™s Diversity Mini-Grant to develop, “Computers and Discourses of Diversity.” 1998.
Washington State University – Vancouver, Faculty Research Mini-Grant, Fall 1997, Spring 1998.
Chester William Fritz Scholarship in the Humanities, 1994 – 1995.
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities.
Honorable Mention. 1994.
Joan Webber Prize for Outstanding Teaching. Finalist. 1994.
Joan Webber Prize for Outstanding Teaching. Finalist 1993.
Director, Washington State University – Vancouver Writing Center. Direct a staff of seven, determine policy, conduct outreach, design and teach seminars.
Assistant Director. Center for Advance Research Technology in the Arts and Humanities. University of Washington. 1994 – 1996.
Graduate Committees
Masters Committees
Kristine Stanick, 1998-1999
Anthony Zarazoga , 2000
Ph.D. Committees
Jeanne Hamming, West Virginia University, 2000
Campus Committees
Campus Wide Diversity Committee, 1999 – 2000
Associate Dean Search Committee, 1999 – 2000
MA Exam Committee, 1999
Composition Committee, 1998 – 1999
Vancouver Campus Diversity Task Force, 1999
Multimedia Research Studio Committee, Chair, 1997
Campus Computer Committee, 1997
Professional Writing Committee, 1997 – 1998
Electronic Communication and Cultures Committee, 1997 – 1998
Web Committee, 1997 – 1999
Multimedia Building Committee, 1998 – 1999
Cognitive Psychology Search Committee – ECC Search, 1997 – 1998
Career Day Committee, 1998
Courses Taught at Washington State University
419 English: The Modern Novel. “Conduct and Misconduct.” Summer 1999.
597 English: Hypertext Rhetorics. Spring 1999
355 English: Multimedia Authoring, Authoring for the World Wide Web. Spring 1998, 1999, 2000.
301 English: Advanced Writing, Cyborgs: Our Technology, Our Selves. See course
syllabus at Fall 1997.
309 English. Women Writers. Women Writing Speculative Fiction 1850 – 1995. Summer 1997.
382 English. Modern American Literature. Summer 1997.
492 English. Senior Seminar on Comparative Literacies. Spring 1997, Spring 2000.
302 General Education: Advanced Writing Tutorial. Spring 1997.
Courses Taught at University of Washington
131 Freshman Composition. Autumn 1990.
131 Freshman Composition, Computer Integrated. Winter, Spring 1991. Autumn 1992.
104/105 Educational Opportunity Program Composition Courses. Computer Integrated. Autumn 1991, Winter and Spring 1992.
111 Reading Fiction: The Short Story and Composition. Computer Integrated. Autumn 1993.
206 Narratives of the Vietnam War. Journalism, fiction, autobiography and film representations of the Vietnam war. Summer 1992.
222 Speculative Fictions and Technology (1900 – present). Speculative Fiction from the turn of the century, concentrating on representations of technology, changes from utopian to dystopian representations, the relationship among anxieties about technologies to political systems (communism, capitalism, fascism). Summer 1993.
American Studies Association
Modern Language Association
Society for Literature and Science
Popular Culture Association
College Teachers
College Composition and Communication
National Council for Teachers of English
Portland Women in Multimedia